63TallGuy Dating Profile

Set up a sex date with Fairfax men in Virginia
I am a 35 years old straight single man living in Fairfax, Virginia

You know what they say about tall men...

That they have big feet! Come on you knew that one. Ok so now that you know I'm a tall guy, in addition I'm also in good shape, funny, intelligent, and a pretty sexual person (I like my time in the bedroom as many people do and have done a good many things, although one can always learn more!). I do work hard (have a professional day job, own a business, and doing a Masters at night), which is the main reason I'm trying this, but my schedule is flexible. I just got out of a long relationship too so right now I'm just looking for fun (there are many things I like doing when I have the time) and some great sex. I make a lot of money so that's not a problem and I can be both a gentleman and a bad boy, depending on what you need. So can you keep up?

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