Vblake24 Dating Profile

Set up a sex date with New Brunswick men in New Jersey
I am a 32 years old straight single man living in New Brunswick, New Jersey

Hello my name is vern and i am from the bronx ny i am 29 years old african american/hispanic male i crrently live in nj

i am slim about 6 feet tall light brown skin complextion brown eyes short hair cut not great teeth but i am currently correcting them. had minor set backs due to injury i am a athelete former professional basketball player over seas in chillie and in new zealand jus a fun out going very nice person simple kind of guy no children or spouse single i come from a very small family in fact i dont really even know most of my family i know that sound crazy but i just kinda been on my own at a very early age very difficult to explain but interesting at least i find it very interesting i come from a very different kind of family but being said that i am nothing like anyone in my family i guess thats why i dont really know them that well. but hey everything happens for a reason right

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