SilverGrey69 Dating Profile

Male sex dates in Dallas in Texas
I am a 58 years old straight single man living in Dallas, Texas

Looking for a fuck buddy

Me? I'm an artistic bohemian. I was kinda creative before I was married...I'm trying to get my groove back the past couple years. The divorce isn't ancient history, but it's hasn't been just the other day, either. I've been coloring outside the lines, one way or another, my entire life. I'm being worked into an early grave in the corporate event services industry. No, that's not right...apply the happy face I really like what I do. See, it's kinda like being a roadie, only Im working for corporate marketing executives instead of some drug addled guitar player.(Although, truth be told, there's a lotta ex-drug addled guitar players turned marketing executives out there. AND bankers,motivational speakers, might think I'm strange, but some of those guys are just plain not right. Don't even start me on lawyers.) Ah, well. It's the closest thing to working in theater that pays the bills I've found, and there's a lot of tolerance for my goofy greying commie radical shtick, as long as I show up on time, dress appropriately and behave like the professional I've become.

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